Monday, March 27, 2017

I know there are winners and losers when it comes to competition, although it does break my heart to see the crestfallen faces of losing teams. It would be ideal if everyone gets a round of victory once, but the world of competition is a harsh, critical one. You win or you lose, and there's no yielding victory to your rivals. I understand that, and it's amazing to see certain teams in winning streaks due to their outstanding performance in tournaments. But still... it makes me feel bad for the bottom teams, especially teams that have been in losing streaks and haven't come up with good split scores. AND I don't appreciate people slandering bottom teams for no reason just because they didn't win against the giants. Pointing out how they are doing bad and saying things like they are 'worst team ever' won't help them play better but bring these players down to depression, affecting their next game performance. I'm sure that encouraging them and rooting for them will instead help these players overcome such hardships they are encountering at the moment. Or at least free themselves from a losing streak. After all, they really are best players who can play better than any of those who trash-talk on an online community.

Keith on what today means for EF and the struggle he's faced: 'All the negative feedback I received impacted me a lot as a player'

"...I dug my self a hole, and every time we lost, the hole kept getting bigger and bigger to the point where it was so hard to climb out,"

"I was a no-name rookie, and people didn't respect me at all. And I thought about it, and I came to the conclusion that I'm at the same point right now. People don't respect me, that's how I feel. So, I played like I had nothing to lose. And I'm glad we came out with the win."

It's so sad and heartbreaking to see him holding back tears during the interview ;_; I can't imagine how disheartened he must feel now. I am truly glad that they got that win, and I hope he can ignore all that flaming from online communities and focus on winning, though above all, I hope that he can gain joyous experience from playing as a pro gamer in this split 💧

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